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I didn't realize that there was also this comment section below! I'm delighted that you've made the CYOA story type into an interactive game - that made this eLit quite engaging. And it's the same early step that made for RPG style quests in games... so definitely a great way to go! (Can you tell, I'm a fan of this style).

I love how the characters and choices can lead you down entirely different paths, and you can actually go back and explore the story again to different outcome. It makes re-reading worth it!

Thanks a lot 😊 glad you liked it!

Well, this game was quite a pleasant surprise for my evening :) Here's my thoughts after reading this gem, and sorry if I can't put it in more eloquent words since I'm not a native English speaker.

At first, I hadn't expected to enjoy this as much as I did, but if you are the type of person that loves reading stories of all kinds of adventures, I can assure you this game would be one great read (if not, a fun time waster). 

The story is packed with hilarious scenarios as much as eye opening ones that moved me (specifically the "familial" parts of the story where you can, by a certain set of choices, end up being a single parent to your kittens, fighting for their survival as much as your own. Well, that is, if you chose to do so ;)).

Most of the endings left me feeling quite satisfied, and even the "bad" endings are enlightining in its own way. My favorite ending in particular is "more of a loner," which I then realize is a recurring ending that I will stumble time and time again if I just chose to seperate myself from the plot to be abducted by the friendly aliens xD Loner life gor the win!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not exactly sure if I have collected all of the endings or if I'm missing one (I have two endings with the same title but different variation). Here are my list of endings that I managed to find after playing through the game:

1. More of a loner

2. Some hard-earned peace and quiet

3. I'm not worth fighting for

4. I like it when armies fight over me

5. That wooden chest is what will save me

6. I can't leave you behind

7. Humans aren't my friends

8. My home is in my mind

9. You don't deserve this

10. I'll do whatever I want

11. You can have it

12. I love you more than I love power

13. The good ruler

14. You need to leave, now

15. An unconventional family

16. I'm good right here

17. So this is paradise

18. Sorry!

19. Loyalty above all else

20. Like Switzerland

21. The bigger, the better

22. A happy oasis

23. My new friend

24. Get away from my daughter

25. May you be happy together

26. Majesty, might I ask for your help?

27. They're yours, after all

28. I have kept my promise

29. Let him be

30. Fight we shall

31. We have a mission

32. A happy ending

33. Don't anger an owl

34. Some hard-earned peace and quiet (with son)

All in all, such a wonderful story and I thank the author for sharing this for all to read. 10 out of 10, would read again!

Wow, I'm thoroughly impressed! Congrats on completing the game and discovering all 34 endings!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game :) please consider following me as I'll write more stories in the future! As promised the first player to list all the endings gets a $50 prize, so let me know how I can contact you privately to arrange the payment :)

(1 edit)

Wow, I didn't expect to be right about the endings (I thought for sure I had missed one and kept replaying just to make sure) Thanks for being so generous~ :')

Oh, and of course! Reading this story was an amusing addition to my day. I'll be sure to check out your other works in the future. If their filled with whimsical adventures such as these, I already know I'd enjoy it as much as I did this one :D